Area: Muladhara
Leader: Serph
Color: Orange
The player controls this Tribe, centered in Muladhara.
Key members include Serph, Gale, Heat, Argilla, and Cielo. Though small in number, the Embryon have established their turf, and are recognized by the other Tribes.
Area: Svadhisthana
Leader: Harley
Color: Green
This Tribe is in direct competition with the Embryon.
In fact, Harley and the Vanguards were locked in battle with Serph's Tribe when shafts of light erupted from an unidentified object on the battlefield.
Area: Ajna
Leader: Varin Omega
Color: Blue
Currently the strongest Tribe. The Brutes violently protect the Ajna sector.
Their leader, Varin Omega, seems to know Serph and Sera. Though the source of his knowledge is unknown, the Embryon may find out soon enough...
Area: Anahata
Leader: Mick the Slug
Color: Yellow
The burly Mick leads this Tribe, which is the third strongest.
Anahata, surrounded by a fortress wall, is often referred to as the Solids' Citadel. The wall is impregnable, and is the reason for the Tribe's longevity.
Area: Manipura
Leader: Jinana
Color: Red
The Maribel are lead by a strong female warrior named Jinana. Despite constantly being under attack, they have managed to hold Manipura against the Solids.
Bat, the Tribe's second in command, is known for his skill with knives.
Area: Vishuddha
Leader: Lupa
Color: White
Lupa of the Wolves is a strong and proud warrior.
The Tribe is currently locked in a heated battle with the Brutes for dominance. Serph and the Embryon may be able to use this to their advantage...